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Proxemic design:magicnu

persona and storytelling





  • Name:Cathie Colombo 

  • Cathie the customer is an Italian student studying at Ryerson University. She is waiting to be seated at the restaurant. She is really busy at school so she would like to eat quickly. 

  • Needs

    • Cathie needs a way to choose a restaurant with good-taste food as quickly as possible so that she can have more time to study

    • Cathie needs a way to order the food she really wants so that she can enjoy the food

    • Cathie needs a way to see the pictures of the food so that she does not need to read tons of words

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Cathie walks by a restaurant and sees huge menus on tables. It seems that the restaurant has a lot of stuff. So she stops at this restaurant and waits to be seated. When she is called to the table, Cathie notices that the menu changes into many pictures of delicious and delicate food. She tries to stare at the food for a while and when she seats down in front of the menu, she finds out that the menu actually shows her most wanted food items. She speaks Italian, "Bravo!". She then starts to order her food...

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