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Proxemic design:magicnu

Design prompt

Proxemic and Implicit Interaction in Retail Environment 

I am asked to design a proxemic or implicit interaction through one theme (affordances, deception, and privacy) by using an AR platform within a retail environment. 

I chose "Deception" as a theme to explore since I found dark design was super interesting. 

Using Wiarframe to create an AR setting for the interaction to take place

Using Figma to prototype an interactive menu to mockup the interactions between customers and the menu

Skills developed

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Figma--Prototyping Tool

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Final Cut Pro--Videoedit

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Wiarframe--AR creation

Other Skills 

  • Research Skill: conducting online research for dark design patterns and examples

  • Analytical Skill: examining the current situations of dark design (usage and applications) and generating a critical analysis of the dark design patterns

  • Communication Skill: presenting the prototype, ideation process, dark design element and the critical analysis to the entire class clearly


ideation Process

This menu is designed to lure customers to order more food in order for the restaurant to earn as much as possible.

I have used Figma and Wiarframe (also other video editting tools) in order to realize this design.

persona and storytelling

The final video prototype illustrates a story of one customer who is eager for Italian food and how she ends up order so many food and is satisfied with the recommendations made by this menu. 


Since I was not extremely familiar with Wiarframe, so I did not create a series of complicated interactions. However, in order to enhance the proxemic effects, I should have explored more interactions. 


  • feedback from professor

  • feedback from classmates


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