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Proxemic design:magicnu

feedback and reflections

Feedback 1 

"No "Cancel" button on the menu interface" 

when the customers do not want to order the recommended items, there is no cancel or back buttons for them to exit and go to the main menu. 

users are not clear that they can actually press the main menu button to exit the page. 

INF353 interactive menu2-01.png


what if customers do not want to order the recommended food?


Add some instructions to show that customers are able to click main menu in order to exit

Screen Shot 2020-03-25 at 4.39.29 PM.png

Feedback 2 

“focus on details, such as the size of pictures should be the same"

INF353 interactive menu-04.png


The sizes of pictures are different which cause a cognitive disonnance


I modified the size to make it more aesthetically good 

INF353 interactive menu2-04.png


  • emphasis on details 

One thing I have learned from this project is that details are everything. For example, when users are interacting with the system, one minor inconsistency will result in the failure of completing the intended tasks.​ Thus, as a UX designer, I should always focus on every tiny element, such as buttons and phrasing. Grammatical errors and unclear articulation of words are also problems that I have to recheck after designing the system.

  • alignment and consistency 

When I designed the system, I have not yet considered the alignment of functional elements and the consistency of fonts, colors and items' sizes. I think these two factors should be my next challenge to overcome.

  • iterative testings

This project also made me realize that iterative testings are important since when I focus on designing, I cannot focus on users. ​For example, I tended to focus on the font choice and the layout instead of making sure that the tasks can be completed smoothly. 

  • the next steps 

I would love to learn more about Figma, since this platform is very easy to use. I would like to learn more shortcuts and design techniques on Figma. Furthermore, I would love to explore the field of dark design​ to examine if we can make the system both beneficial for customers and organizations. 

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